Create a User Account

As an administrator, you can create new user accounts manually whenever you need to.

Manually created user accounts are useful especially for temporary or guest users (e.g. contractors, interns, etc.). You can easily create accounts manually for these types of users as required, and deactivate (or delete) them when they are no longer needed.


If you integrate your Uptempo instance with a Single Sign-On (SSO) system, the integration manages user creation automatically. As a result, you do not need to create accounts manually for regular users if you use SSO.

Manually Create a New User Account

To manually create an account, you must complete at least the required user configuration fields, which are identified with an asterisk (*).


Some of the fields in user accounts can also be completed or changed by the user themselves. For instructions (that you can provide to your users), see View and Edit Your Own User Account.

To create a new user account, follow these steps:

  1. In Uptempo, click Administration > User List.

    The User List page opens.

  2. Click + New Account.

    The New Account dialog opens to the Account section.

  3. In the Account section, complete at least the fields marked as required with an asterisk (*):

    • See Configure User Account Settings for descriptions of these fields and notes about how to configure them.

    • The user will use the values you enter into the Login and Password fields to sign into the Uptempo instance.

      Important: The system will not send these login credentials to the user, so you must separately provide them to the user. Remember to also provide the URL of your Uptempo instance. We strongly recommend encouraging the user to change their password as soon as possible after they sign in successfully for the first time.

    • Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the dialog, as the Department field is required but may be immediately visible on smaller screens.

  4. Click the Membership section to open it. Under Storage Group, click Assign Storage Group and select a storage group from the list to add the user to it.

  5. Optional: Configure any of the optional configuration fields in the Account, Membership, Permissions, and Settings sections as needed.

    • You only need to configure the required fields to successfully create a new user. If you skip the optional fields, you can edit the account later to complete them.

    • See Configure User Account Settings for details on the optional fields and how to configure them.


      Some functionality connected to optional fields will be limited until those fields have been configured. For example, the user account will not have any access to any Uptempo module until roles have been assigned to the account in the Permissions section.

  6. To finish creating the new user, click Create.

    The New Account dialog closes, and you are returned to the User List, where the newly created user now appears in the list with a "New" tag:

You have successfully created a new user. If you only configured the required fields while creating this user, you can now edit the account to configure optional fields.

Configure User Account Settings

When you create or edit a user account, the fields to configure the account are divided into four sections:

  1. Account: Contains fields to specify the user's basic account details and credentials, as well as personal and contact details

  2. Membership: Contains fields to configure the user's team membership and storage group

  3. Permissions: Contains fields to define the user's access permissions for each of the available Uptempo modules

  4. Settings: Contains fields to set various user preferences, as well as organization-specific custom settings

All fields marked as required with an asterisk (*) must be configured. You can optionally choose to complete any other fields as needed (or allow the user to enter their details themselves).

Account Section

The Account section contains the following subsections and configuration fields:

Personal Information

  • First name (required): Sets the user's first name, displayed in their user profile and whenever the user's name is referenced (e.g. emails).

  • Last name (required): Sets the user's last name, displayed in their user profile and whenever the user's name is referenced (e.g. emails).

  • Login (required): Sets the username that the user enters to sign in to the Uptempo instance.

    • If you use the Plan and Spend modules, this must be the same email address set in the E-Mail field.

  • Password (required): Sets the password that the user enters to sign in to the Uptempo instance.

  • E-Mail (required): Sets the user's main (contact) email address.

    • If you use the Plan and Spend modules, this must be the same as the email address set in the Login field.

  • Phone (business/mobile/private): Sets the user's contact phone numbers.

  • Company: The user's employer/organization, e.g. for contractors/agencies or external users.

  • Type: Sets the user's User Type for compatibility with integrations (e.g. SSO integrations) built for BrandMaker 7.4 or earlier.

  • Department (required): Sets the department (also called the Organizational Unit) that the user belongs to.

  • Job Title: Sets the user's job title, displayed displayed in their user profile.


  • Postal address: Sets the user's main residential address.

  • Invoice address: Sets the address where the user receives invoices, e.g. a business address.

  • Delivery address: Sets the address where the user receives physical mail and deliveries, if different from their residential address.

Membership Section

The Account section contains the following subsections and configuration options:


  • Assign team: Selects a team (user group) to add the user to.

    • You can select from any existing team in your Uptempo instance.

    • For more information about teams, see Manage Teams (User Groups).


      Assigning a team is required if the user is part of a workflow in the modules Job Manager or Assets.

Storage Group

  • Assign storage group (required): Selects the storage group (virtual database/VDB) to use for the user.

    • You can select from any existing storage group in your Uptempo instance.

    • For more information about storage groups, see Storage Groups.

Permissions Section

The Permissions section contains separate subsections for each Uptempo module that you use, e.g. Assets, Plan, Spend, etc.

In most module subsections:

  • + Assign role: Selects the role that the user is assigned for the module.

    • You can select from any existing role configured for the module in your Uptempo instance.

    • For more information about roles, see Permissions and Roles.

In the Planner module subsection:

  • Group: Selects the group that the user is assigned for the Planner module.

    • You can select from any existing Planner group in your Uptempo instance.

    • Planner groups have a similar function to teams (user groups), but are created and managed separately, and are used only within Planner.

  • Role: Selects the role that the user is assigned for the Planner module.

    • You can select from any existing Planner role in your Uptempo instance.

You must select both a group and a role. After selecting a group and a role, click + Add to assign them to the user.

For more information about Planner groups and roles, refer to the Uptempo Planner Admin Manual.

Settings Section

The Settings section contains the following subsections and configuration options:

Standard Settings

  • System Language: Sets the language that is used for all text in the Uptempo platform user interface, as well as for emails sent by the platform.

    • If not specified, defaults to English (US)

    • This setting does not apply to the Plan and Spend modules, which are currently available only in English (US).

  • Country: Sets the language that the user is located in.

  • Region: Sets the time zone region that the user is located in.

  • Affiliate IDs (comma separated): Sets the Affiliate ID values that can be assigned to this user.

    • To specify an Affiliate ID, type it into the field, then click outside of the field or press Enter to save it.

    • To specify multiple Affiliate IDs, press Enter or insert a comma after you enter each ID.

    • You can assign any of the Affiliate IDs specified here using the Selected Affiliate ID field.

  • Selected Affiliate ID: Selects the Affiliate ID that is assigned to this user.

    • You can select from any of the Affiliate ID values listed in the Affiliate IDs (comma separated) field.

  • Preferred unit of length: Sets the unit that is used to whenever a measure of length/distance is displayed.

  • Start Module: Sets user's "landing page", i.e. the default Uptempo platform module that is displayed first whenever the user signs in to the Uptempo instance.

  • Receive additional email notification: Sets whether the user wants to receive additional email notifications from the Uptempo platform.

    • Set the toggle to the on position to allow additional email notifications, or to the off position to prevent them.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Role Assignment: If you are unsure about which permissions to assign to a user, you can create the account with only the required fields filledo out and assign roles later.

  • Password Security: You can use the visibility toggle to verify the password while entering it. For improved security, we recommend using a randomly generated password with more than the minimum number of required characters.

  • Module Access: Only assign roles for modules that the user needs access to. If you do not assign a role for a module, the user will have no access to that module.